
You want to render a script specific for your partial view only (usually after an ajax call), however the script is dependent on another script being loaded - like JQuery - and sadly, you are not using javascript modules.

Partial Views in ASP.NET MVC do not support section areas

@section scripts{
    //not supported in Partial Views :(
  • Trigger a custom event when your ajax call has finished updating the page’s html
  • Immediately call an event listener on the Partial View that wants some script loaded (use an IIFE)
public static firePartialViewEvent(): void
    * longer way of writing is to maintain IE compatibility
    const loadEvent = document.createEvent('Event');
    loadEvent.initEvent('finished:loading', true, true);

* Call this from the partial view's script, if doing an ajax request
* @param script the partial view script to call
public static loadPartialViewScript(script: () => void): void
    const body = document.querySelector('body');
    const options: AddEventListenerOptions = {
        once: true,

    body.addEventListener('finished:loading', () =>
    }, options);

//in your JavaScript/TypeScript file's ajax call
$.get(<blah blah>).done(() => firePartialViewEvent());

//in your Partial View
@if (Request.IsAjaxRequest()) // you usually only want to call this in an ajax request where the main view is ideally not returned
        (() =>
            loadPartialViewScript(() => <your partial view script>);
//and in your main view you have the usual  @section scripts that will render the needed scripts of the Partial View (duplicate call)

  • put the IIFE that calls your partial view in a separate script file
  • use <script defer> in the Partial View
//on a JS file somewhere (i.e partial-view-caller.js)
(() => <your partial view script>)();

//in your Partial View
<script src="~/partial-view-caller.js" defer></script>

//you can actually just straight call your partial view script living in an external file - I just prefer having an initialization method :)

I personally prefer Workaround Two for its simplicity. However, I implemented Workaround One first - cause I’m an idiot who didn’t know how to properly use defer :D

However, Workaround One is in my opinion the ideal way in case you want to pass some data from your C# ViewModel to that Partial View script, which is also a common scenario. Therefore, both methods are useful - it depends on your situation.